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Ameur Nassim

3D Shooter Game

A personal project that I made using Unity3D, it's a third person view shooter game.

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Project Overview

A 3d game made with Unity3D, specifically a third person view shooter game, the player can move, shoot on other players, destroy items ... And it works with realistic physics, for exemple: when shooting on players or items they will move because of the impact and in the opposite direction from where the bullet touched the player or the item. For players, I implemented the Ragdoll concept and for the items when breaking they don't have a specific animation, the way they break is according to their properties (position, rotation ...) and the laws of physics (gravitation ... ) do their work.

The game contains animations for the walking and running without a gun, walking and running with a gun, and for aiming and an idle animation. There is two modes for the camera: First Person view and Third Person View. The Game is completely made with Unity3D and C#.

Tools Used
